We hear a lot about anxiety, but what is it, and can we get rid of it?

Anxiety is a well-known term, and one I expect many of us can use to express how we feel... e.g. 'I'm anxious'. What do we mean when we say this? For some, it might be the way we're thinking - worry, ruminating, 'what if's', or imagining the worst case scenario. It might be a physical sensation - a racing heart, quick breathing, dry mouth, or feeling shaky, or an emotion - frightened, scared, or panicked. It might show up in what we do (our behaviour) - avoidance, going to the toilet more frequently, or asking others for reassurance.
Anxiety can be incredibly unpleasant and distressing. It may be helpful to remember that, despite this, anxiety (like any other emotion) is a normal human experience, and in some cases can even act for our benefit. However, if anxiety is interfering with your quality of life, or you feel it's too high and it's concerning you, then it might be time to seek advice.
'..if anxiety is interfering with your quality of life, or you feel it's too high and it's concerning you, then it might be time to seek advice.
If you want to learn ways to manage anxiety, you might want to try some self-help strategies, look for community resources like Stress Control classes, or talk to your GP for guidance.
With our best wishes.